Sunday, February 16, 2014

Deduction #2

Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado...

The green box catches my attention first - computer parts - computer savvy. That's along with the multiple World of Warcraft and Halo books says that you are a gamer (and most likely male). You won multiple awards in high school, which by the way was Claudia Taylor "Lady Bird" Johnson High in San Antonio, Texas, where you were in the JROTC program (and probably still are through your college, which is probably U of A, but I'm not positive). You enjoy manga and sci-fi, are/were enrolled in what could be considered an "upper-level" math class (your TI-83 manual), and you performed above average on the SAT's (You have the test-prep book, AND you kept it, meaning it was either useful or valuable to you.) You are used to wearing nice clothes based on the hanger hanging on your closet door (further evidence for the college ROTC theory). You used your phone to take this picture, and you are most likely a customer of AT&T, or at least were at the time this picture was taken, which if I'm not mistaken was August 2013.

My only real question to you is: "Why do you own a gavel?"

As with before, if this is your picture, be sure to comment and let me know how accurate these were. It really helps!


  1. This is my picture, and you are mostly correct, and you did correctly deduce that the picture was taken before the school year, while I was home at break and I am an AT&T customer.

    I was and am enrolled in higher level maths and I did do rather well on my SATs - however neither of those are actually mine, belonging instead to me elder brother who I shared a room with for some time.

    Finally, the gavel is another award from my days as a debater.

  2. Thanks a lot! I appreciate the feedback!

  3. I believe you may have missed a few observations. Judging from the trophy, this person appears to be a musician.

    And second, the book with the Korean title would suggest that this person either is Korean or knows how to read Korean.

    1. I did see the music note award, though I was unsure if he played an instrument or sang in choir. I thought best to leave that one off due to the level of uncertainty.

      Also, good eye on the book. I shall need to look into tricks to identifying foreign languages without having actually learned them.
